
Version 2 of our Parent ID Passport System has been released.

New features:

  • Local accounts: Send parents their own username and password.
  • Socials integration (Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft Account, Twitter).
  • Out of the box socials integration when the same email address is used.
  • New account email notification: PIPS can send parents their user account details upon rolling in as a current parent upon a set schedule.
  • KMSI: Keep Me Signed In will remember their login details for up to 30 days.
  • Advanced firewall option*: Builds upon the already hardened and secure system with advanced IDS/IPS and reporting.

Up-coming features:

  • Advanced social account linking: Workflow process to securely link parent’s other social accounts to their existing account.

There are many more exciting improvements on the roadmap. Get in touch and we would be happy to run you through the solution in person or over teams at your convenience.

Below is an example of the V2 login screen which is fully customisable:

*: There is a cost associated with this service.


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